EA clarifies the position on Mixed Paper packaging PRN protocol

Jun 1, 2023

It seems that the EA approved a number of paper reprocessor and exporter S&I Plans that stated they would be doing their own sampling on Mixed paper instead of using the national protocol without realising that this wasn’t an option. This has now been rectified with the following communication that was sent out.

Comms sent out by the EA 22 May

Dear Paper Exporter/Reprocessor

Mixed Paper National Protocol

As you are aware, there is a National Protocol in place for mixed paper, which has been agreed by regulatory bodies in the UK (please see the link below for further information), which states:

‘If you receive or export mixed paper, you must apply the national mixed paper protocol. The amount of claimable packaging waste in mixed paper (classified in EN 643 under codes 1.01 and 1.02) is 34.5%’.

Packaging waste: apply to be an accredited reprocessor or exporter – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

It has been brought to our attention that some operators may be using their own protocol or be under the impression that a Site Specific Protocol has been agreed. If you are in this position then you are required to notify us that this has happened and cease doing this immediately and use the agreed National Protocol.

Failure to do so may result in the suspension or cancellation of your accreditation.


If you have any queries, please contact the packaging producer responsibility team at [email protected] or on 02084 747 609.